Work With Me

I partner with individuals who are ready to strategically and energetically align with their favorite self.

Deliberately align with the energy of who you want to be and take inspired action toward the outcome that you desire.
Anything that you envision for your future is possible with the right mindset, intention, and through strategic action. That’s why I created The Deliberate Alignment Method to support you on your journey.

If you are willing to commit to doing the work, it would be my honor to accompany and mentor you on your journey.


To be in alignment means that everything within you is focused on the same highest goal. When your lifestyle is soul-aligned, you are strategically and intentionally creating a space that supports the vision of the future you desire for yourself.


Mindfulness and gratitude are a key component to coming into alignment with your future goals and favorite self. When you vibrate at the frequency of gratitude, more things to be grateful for will make their way into your experience.


There are specific, proven methods and actions that will help you to take control of your life and find alignment and clarity about what comes next. You can (we can!) tailor a strategy that will play a huge role in guiding you through co-creating your desires with ease.


We implement EFT Tapping, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotic Language, science-backed habit-changing exercises, and more to encourage gentle but steady, consistent and calculable results that will completely transform your life.


Manifestation isn’t about wishing and hoping, it’s about planning and doing. There are a ton of techniques, and we will introduce you to several, but beyond that we’ll teach you how and why it works and how you can ensure that you are primed to receive.


There is so much evidence that proves your focus and intention matters. What you focus on grows – not only in your personal awareness but also in tangible and material ways that can impact your life and the lives of those around you.

Invest in yourself, invest in your future

Believing that you are worthy of investing in yourself and your future is the single greatest gift that you can give to yourself now and one that will continue to pay off for years and years to come. The ripples created through time and space and the impacts that are felt by those around you when you live your life in alignment with your highest good are far greater than can be measured by monetary means but the ROI (return on investment) is tangible and calculable. You can live a life of happiness and content, find clarity in your purpose, and/or create wealth for yourself and your family in a way that is soul-aligned, true to who you are at the deepest level, and that creates a positive impact in the world around you.

If you are inspired and ready to commit to doing the work, the experience, mentorship, skills, support, and techniques that I can provide during out time together will work for you.

Think you might like to work with me? Select an option below to learn more or fill out our Client Interest Intake Form to be contacted directly about the ways we can work together.

Ways to work with me:

Private Healing & Alignment Sessions

I am a master level practitioner of Usui, Kundalini, and Money Reiki and double certified EFT tapping professional. The methods that I use in my private alignment and healing sessions are the same ones that I used as a jumping off point for my own journey to heal past related traumas, release and overcome limiting beliefs, and align with my purpose.

Private sessions are priced starting at $80 for 30 minutes.

View Downloadable Products

Our instant downloads currently include the BIG Dream Life Planner, the Complete Law of Attraction and Manifestation Workbook, 6 sets of printable affirmation cards, and a printable vision board kit. Both of these printable workbooks include 99-pages of completely unique content (no repeated worksheets in or between them!) and multiple free bonuses. Grab each printable for only $17 or bundle and get them both for only $28!

Our downloadable products are available for instant download. Start planning your dream life – now!

Join Our Community

Alignment is the key.

Join our community and find mentorship, motivation, and inspired ideas to help you align with your best life now.

Membership is FREE!

90-Day Manifestation Mentorship

Let’s get to the bottom of what is standing in the way of the life you desire. I am a long-time alignment and manifestation researcher, practitioner, and mentor. I have studied the Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and Alignment for many years and I would love to share that knowledge with you.

Mentorships spots opening soon! Check back for details.

Thinking about working together more closely? Fill out our new client interest intake form and I’ll get back to you soon!

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